Transport information from Shymkent (January 2023):
Bus from Shymkent to Tashkent – Bekjan bus station – Departure at 10am every day – 3000tg/pers.
Taxis or minibus from Shymkent to KZ-UZ Border (Chernyayevka) – Kolos bus station or Bekjan bus station – All day – 1500-2000tg/pers (trip back more expensive: 2500-3000tg).
Individual or collective taxis from border to Tashkent center – An idea of prices via Yandex application: 45,000 soms. Negotiation required with drivers on site.
Chorsu Market (bazaar)
Hazrati (Khrast) Imam complex
Hazrati (Khrast) Imam complex
Hazrati (Khrast) Imam complex
Old town
Old town
Old town
Building from the former USSR
Magic City Park
Alisher Navoy Opera and Ballet Theater
State Museum of History of Uzbekistan
Palace of Grand Duke Nicholas Constantinovich Romanov