70 km north of Shymkent, along the Boralday River, is a series of petroglyphs, vestiges of the Bronze Age and of the beginning of Iron Age.

The rock engraving is a common testimony of ancestral cultures that can be seen on all continents. In Kazakhstan, most of petroglyph sites are located in semi-mountainous areas of South or Southeast of the country, and some of them are classified by UNESCO as World heritage of humanity.

The petroglyph site of Boralday is small, and quite unknown.
On a rocky alignment at the foot of a mountain, are depicted many wild and domestic animals, hunting scenes, humans. Mouflon, with its huge curved horns, appears often, indicating an abundant presence at this period.
Modern engravings can also be observed. Sometimes next to old ones, showing at their turn more recent times, sometimes above, ransacking definitely a precious patrimony.

Located right in the nature, the site is protected only passively, with a board and the low frequenting. So be sure not to damage this interesting historical place during your visit!

Boralday_Rivière et montagnePétroglyphes Boralday_PanneauPétroglyphes Boralday_Le mouflonPétroglyphes Boralday_VandalismePétroglyphes Boralday_Animaux en vracPétroglyphes Boralday_Anciens et récentsPétroglyphes Boralday_La femme du XXème siècle